Wednesday 31 December 2008

New Year's Day

And so, it's a brand new year. New chances for happiness, love and lust? We'll see. I had a great time last night, watching the huge fireworks display in Sydney Harbour in the company of friends. I do seem to feel quite relaxed here; as if I'm slowing down emotionally and getting into an altogether more agreeable stride in my mind. Something like that, anyway.

A warm day, this first one of 2009, and I'm not doing much at all. I'll give my mum a ring later when it's morning in Holland to wish her a happy new year.

Onwards and upwards? You bet'ya!

Tuesday 30 December 2008

New Year's Eve

Well, well, here we are on the last day of the year. A strange year, for me personally. I separated from my wife and moved to Australia, the country of my birth where I had not lived since I was five years old. So, was it a bad year? Yes, as finding your marriage breaking up is not a good thing. A shockingly bad year, then.

But it was also the year when I finally was able to make my way back to Australia, somewhing which I'd dreamt of for all my life. So, that's a good thing which wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the catastrophe of my broken marriage. It's a bloody strange life, that much is certain.

Let's hope 2009 will be a good year. For everyone. We live in hope..

Monday 1 December 2008


And so our muslim friends strike again. What a truly peaceful creed this must be. And, surprise, surprise, the attackers were all Pakistani. Schocker. What a terrifying ordeal the victims must have faced, hiding in hotel rooms, hoping they wouldn't be found by these homocidal maniacs.

Worrying tensions between India and Pakistan are, of course, a result. That whole region seems to be a powder keg of pent up anger and frustration. Creepy..