Saturday 31 January 2009

Golfing at Platzreife

Once you have played a round of golf there is a very good chance that you will be hooked. It is, indeed, a noble leisure pursuit and a very enjoyable sport. A game of golf can really make your day a pleasant one. It is a chance to get together with your friends or family or even your business contacts and socialise in a lovely environment while at the same time enjoying some light exercise. I would say, give it a try if you have never played golf. You will probably become an instant golf convert. I know I was when I was first invited to play a few rounds at our local public golf course.

If you happen to be in Germany at any time then you should check out the great golfing at Platzreife, as you will be amazed at what you will find there. Check out the website for details about their great golf shop, golf course and even, yes, even golf trips. Go on and enjoy a golfing holiday or Golfurlaub.

They offer golfing trips to for instance San Lorenzo in the beautiful Portuguese Algarve. Of course, the Algarve is a jewel in the south of Europe and a golfing vacation in that location is certain to impress, I wager.

What I like about the wonderful game of golf is the peace and tranquillity that is invariably an important part of it. At least, for me it is key to not only try to win a game but also to relax and unwind after a busy day or working week. It stands to reason that it helps that most golf courses are located in very nice countryside. Just to go for a game and breathe in some fresh air in green surroundings is, after all, a treat to one and all, I think you will agree. Platzreife is a great Golfkurs or golf course that I feel certain you will appreciate.

This is a sponsored post. PP

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Scorching in Victoria

Apparently, the state of Victoria is in for a heatwave with temperatures running into the 40s. Blimey! Adelaide also has similar hot weather at the moment. We, in Sydney are okay for now with a balmy 36is or thereabouts.

Personally, I love the warm weather but there is a limit, granted. And so far I haven't yet had to work in these temperatures. Once I become a working stiff once again, things may not be that 'cool' anymore..

Monday 19 January 2009

A great paid blogging site

I love blogging. There, I’ve said it. I just love to write and express my thoughts and ideas to a wide public. The internet certainly has changed things for me as a writer. It is such a resource for authors and there are many ways of finding your own public.

There is one thing I love more than blogging and that, quite honestly is getting paid to blog. Writing what I think is an entertaining post or penning a good review of a product or service that may be of use to my readership and getting paid in the process is just fantastic. It does make a difference to the pleasure I derive from writing and maintaining my blogs.

A great place to get paid to blog is Paying Post. They accepted two of my blogs and informed me of that decision with hardly any delay. Paying Post seems to have a good attitude to customer service and is willing to treat their bloggers in just the right way.

I am sure that for advertisers it is a great place to advertise on blogs where they will make an impact on the blogosphere.

Paying Post’s new interface is fresh and attractive and appeals to bloggers and advertisers alike. The website is easy to navigate around and speaking as a blogger in the system I like the fact that I can quickly see what opportunities are available when I check in.

It is very easy to register as a blogger with Paying Post. All you have to do is fill out a quick online form and submit it. Before you know it you will hear back from Paying Post. Give it a go whether you are a blogger or an advertiser looking for a vibrant blogging market place.

I am very glad I found Paying Post as I believe it to be a great place for bloggers and advertisers to connect and make it happen.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Bush fires

It's full on summer here in Australia and so the concomitant bush fire season has started as well. There have been fires raging in the Southern Highlands and in north Sydney as well. It's a scary thing and a phenomenon I don't really understand. I don't get how people can live in semi-rural or rural bushland areas and have to deal with their lives and their property being at risk year in year out. How do these people deal with that recurring potential nightmare?

Another thing that strikes me as very odd is how some of these terrible fires are deliberately started by people who should know better. What sort of mindset would light a fire in this dry country, knowing how dangerous these fires can be? The mind boggles.

Friday 16 January 2009

Pavement traffic

This morning, on my way to the supermarket, I found once again how intolerant I can be with regards to other people getting in my way. It also depends on what mood I am in at the time. But it's something to do with people being inconsiderate or what I perceive as people lacking good grace and simple manners. It vexes me when people take up the whole of the pavement with their menagerie and don't make an effort to let other pass through. Or women in shops is a good one, too.

Don't ever get in between an ample woman and something shiny on the shop's shelves. You may well be crushed to a pulp before you know it.

I sometimes think I must be growing into a grumpy old bastard, and perhaps I am. But deep within I know full well that I am right. Why can't other people see that? Honestly..

Thursday 15 January 2009

Solomon Islands

Just watched a programme on telly about an Australian policeman working in the Solomon Islands and his challenges in dealing with the local culture. Some of these islands surrounding Australia do seem to have their share of unrest and troubles. I remember reading regularly about coups d'etats in places like Fiji and other island nations.

I'd love to see some of those places, though. The lure of the South Pacific is strong. When I was a wee nipper I was in Tahiti but I have no memories of that visit. I'd love to go back and see for myself what it's like.

Monday 12 January 2009

The Harbour

View across the harbour to the Bridge. Just an image taken around Sydney, my new stomping ground. Life is pretty good here, I've no complaints. I love the easy-going character of the people, the sunshine, the cafe culture. Oh, and the pubs aren't bad, either..

Opera House

Like conquistadors' helmets they rise, the shells of the Opera House..



Wept hours for lost kisses
Dreamt of life, love regained
Churned within, raged without
What remained
Of me

The War of the Sexes

A diagram showing the different reactions from men and women to the question: "Shall we go for a drink?"

Job interview

I've got another job interview this week. Hope this one will work out. I have been having lots of leisure time and have generally been enjoying myself but it would be good to get to work again. After all, bills need to be paid, don't you know?

But also from a social point of view it would be good to start building up some sort of structure to the day. Meanwhile, I won't worry too much about things and I may even go for a nice swim this arvo. It's another scorcher of a day. Summer at last?

Thursday 1 January 2009

Bint on Dave

Emma Thomson on Dave Letterman. What an annoying woman she can be. A real luvvie as they say. I like some of her roles in a few films so fair go but I think I'd go mad if I had to spend any time in her company. But perhaps she was trying to be 'cooky' and 'wacky' in-between plugging her current film project. Ah well.